Program in Translation for Education and Business, School of Applied Arts, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok
Saturday, November 13, 2010
My graduate day
Friday, November 12, 2010
Facebook Addict!

Do you have your own account on I have one! At present, I think is a part of my life. Every time I turn on my computer, the first thing I do is to open this webpage and sign it in. (I turn on my computer every day.) I can keep in touch with friends either old friends or new friends. We can talk, share ideas, make jokes, and also give recommendations each other. I am happy to see all people share their photos with funny captions. Some of my friends have babies. Some just got marry. Some will marry soon. They all look very happy with new family. Many times I like to post something in my mind on it, many people come to post many things back such as to encourage me, say something disagree, and make a joke. Besides, I like to play game called Farmville. It is to grow many kinds of plants, harvest them, feed various kinds of animal, and build some buildings up. At first I never understand how to play it, but I try to ask my friends for instructions. Now I can play it 555. Each day I spend many hours to surf on this webpage with playing game. I think it makes me relaxed. Sometimes I try not to open it especially when I am doing my homework. Anyway, right now I am like a facebook addict.
the picture from
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Frightening Experience
Monday, November 8, 2010
I feel good

Studying proverbs from a story

Hello! I suppose this story and hope everyone enjoys it. Is it from my real experience? Oop! I can’t tell. Studying proverbs from a story is my idea, I think it is more easier to understand the meanings of them than to read only in the books.
The Prophet---What of Marriage, master?

When I saw Thai movie “Eternity (Chua Fah Din Salai)”, I wanted to reread the Prophet, the book of poem written by Kahlil Gibran. The movie mentioned the meaning of Love & Marriage from this book.
I ever read the Prophet in Thai translated by Rawee Pawilai, but hardly understood the wording of it. In later, I had a chance to read the Prophet in English, but could understand a little. First, I thought because of my English and the ability of translator. After see the movie, I know why. The reason is the experience of reader. The lover in the movie interpreted LOVE as their experience that made them believed that they could love each other and live together for eternity, while the one of main characters, Papo can interpret MARRIAGE well.
Papo knew that what the marriage is: Here is some quoted words about marriage in the book:-
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when white wings of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone thought they quiver with the same music. ….
If one realizes the way of marriage life, one can live and love each other for eternity.
Harry Potter 7 is coming

Since I've waited for very long time. Harry Potter one of the most famous films in the world now is come to the final. Harry Potter and the deathly hallow is about to show on 19 November, I'm so excited. After the last 2 Ep of this movie had make me down, I hope it would not happen again since they tron HP 7 into two parts. Even it is too long between part 1 and part 2. I would wait because I am a fan of Harry Potter. I'd read this novel series since I was 12. My aunt bought Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for me. After I started to read first line, I would not be able to put it down. I used to think it would be nice if there is a real Hogwarts School. Harry(Danial Radcliffe) was just 12 years old when he played the first Harry Potter film, now he is 21! it's 10 years that he had played as Harry Potter and it's 10 years that I had fallowed this movie. Actually as the story I've read, Harry in the first Harry Potter book should be 11, the second book is 12, the third book is 13 until the last book harry should be just 17! I think he looks a little bit old for a 17 years old boy but for me he has became a symbol of Harry Potter already. I've heard that he is the twelve on the young rich list. He is wealthier thanprince Harry&William now!!!! Wowww. How nice to be a famous actor!!!!