Most of people might have the question about why yakult is too small? same as me i had been thought about this as well.Today i already find out for that question now!!!
So why is the Yakult bottle so small?
According to data from Yakult's companies in Malaysia and Australia, the cultured milk drink only comes in small bottles to avoid contamination. In other countries, Yakult is sold in 65-ml and 100-ml bottles.
"A smaller bottle is more hygienic. A larger bottle that is not finished might be kept open, thus a bigger risk of infection with other bacteria," Yakult Malaysia said.
"Opening and closing a larger bottle on numerous occasions can result in a decrease in the number of live probiotic bacteria due to the introduction of various air-borne bacteria. This is undesirable because bacteria have the potential to compromise the quality of Yakult," Yakult Australia said.
Yakult has long claimed that each serving of their probiotic drinks contains billions of Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain, which is said to be one of the strongest strains of beneficial bacteria.
One small bottle is enough to keep people healthy each day so there's no need to sell Yakult in bigger servings, the two companies said.
"If Yakult were provided in a larger bottle, people may drink more than needed, and while this is not harmful at all, it can be more expensive," Yakult Australia said