Monday, November 8, 2010

Studying proverbs from a story

Have you ever dated with a guy who has a bad habit? George and I are dating. Why do I still love him? Don’t you know the proverb “Love is blind” Shakespeare wrote it in Two Gentlemen of Verona in 1591.It said “If you love her you can not see her.—Why? Because Love is blind. Do you agree with that? For me, I do agree because I can not see George who I have dated for almost six months. Is he cute? Yes. Is he funny? Yes. Is he handsome? Yes. Is he a good person? I am not quite sure. Can you do me a favor? Would you mind to read this story until the end and tell me what you think? Should I be his girlfriend? Here is our story, I met him by chance at the airport five months ago, he lost his shoes and I helped him to look for them. He was very impress and he asked me to date. We went to the mall and he was crazy to shop. I said “If you spend all your money on clothes, you won’t be able to go to the cinema at the weekend—you can’t have your cake and eat it! I also told him to take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. One month later I heard that he had a problem with money because he co-signed a bank loan for his brother, Steve. When Steve went bankrupt, he had to pay Steve’s bank loan. He made a big mistake when he did not follow the old proverb: Drown not thyself to save a drowning man. He also likes to yell at me and says an impolite word when he is upset too. I do not impress him with his bad manners. I believe “Manners maketh (the) man” I always try to take the bull by the horns when I am with him. Yesterday we talked very serious about our relationships because I just know that he has three girl-friends. My friends told me to be careful, because if I play with fire I will get burnt. What do you think? Should I say good-bye to George? I welcome to your comments. Thank you…from the blind.

Hello! I suppose this story and hope everyone enjoys it. Is it from my real experience? Oop! I can’t tell. Studying proverbs from a story is my idea, I think it is more easier to understand the meanings of them than to read only in the books.

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