I have something to pour my heart out through on the blog. How fast that I am being pass twenty-five years old of my life on 5 Sep, 2009. I thought about the past that I did in my life such as working in vary companies and positions, travelling in USA and even having in vary experiences in my life! (I thought I have got just some of experiences, but I did!). Anyway, I also think about my future in seriously. Have you guys even thought about the future of your life? I am a serious one who always think about it because I believe to have an aim in life, or my energies will all be wasted! And I know, you guys are thinking the same thing with me.
What is going on if I am twenty-six? and what I am going to do after I graduated in Master?! (Those are not same questions but same issue). Find new job, get married with my guy, go to Canada to get new experiences, study in Ph.D., to be a business owner or ... to be a teacher. I have many choices and I want to do many things in my life. Sometimes, I confuse what I am going to do. Such a many ways in my life! My parents said in short, 'Up to me.' I know I can choose one of those things but I cannot do everything in the same time. Many purposes of each choice that I want to do. I have a question for my life that I do not have an answer yet. 'What is your real-successful of your life, Tuang?' I try to think about it in no answer because I know that I have to do the best in present time. ... Just mutter one from me ...
Anyway, I am going to take a vacation on Friday (before my BD) to go to 9-11 temples in Bangkok all day and dinner with my BF. (It is a kind of our date, Hehehe!) On Saturday (my BD), I will stay home with my parents and take time with them. Nice planing, right? So, see YA next writing.
Life goes on,
Tuangporn (S-MTEB2)