Understanding Composing
The test of Sondra Perl for her student about felt sense is work for every beginner writer, I thought. The problems that a lot of writers were faced is “felt sense” and for me, too.
I think the meaning of felt sense is the feeling of the writers about something th
ey stuck on the meaning of the word that they give for them. 3 causes of it is
1. Rereading – the writer reread their text again and again when they not finish their work so it make them stuck on word in their head. I think it upon their mind at that moment.
2. Key word – the writer stuck on key word that they give for their text or the word that they familiar with so it stuck and stuck on their mind or head so that make they felt sense.
3. Physically felt – the writer can’t get rid of their old understand or meaning of word or they can feel from their feeling, can’t explain.
Something that makes the writer felt sense- images, words, ideas, feelings.
If the writer can get rid of their felt sense, their work will flow or clicked.
The test of Sondra Perl for her student about felt sense is work for every beginner writer, I thought. The problems that a lot of writers were faced is “felt sense” and for me, too.
I think the meaning of felt sense is the feeling of the writers about something th

1. Rereading – the writer reread their text again and again when they not finish their work so it make them stuck on word in their head. I think it upon their mind at that moment.
2. Key word – the writer stuck on key word that they give for their text or the word that they familiar with so it stuck and stuck on their mind or head so that make they felt sense.
3. Physically felt – the writer can’t get rid of their old understand or meaning of word or they can feel from their feeling, can’t explain.
Something that makes the writer felt sense- images, words, ideas, feelings.
If the writer can get rid of their felt sense, their work will flow or clicked.

Teaching the Other Self: The Writer’s First Reader.
“I’m on my own first reader” I accepted this sentence, the first reader of the text is the writer. But the good text or writing must have a good guide reader.
Donald M. Murray has compared the teacher is a map maker and the beginner or younger writer is an explorer. Teacher will not help their student but they must be guide behind their student. When I’ve read this text I thought the teacher must have 2 things is practice and experience. The teacher must be a responsive teacher - that mean they should listen to the student and teach where the student is not where the teacher wishes the student was.
WOW!!! That’s great… Thanks Mr.Murray.
The Peer Review Process
When I finished read this essay I thought about “group” I thought group is the

I think peer review is look like the critique; the reader will ask or critique the writer about their work. It is a good thing for the writer because it is an effect from the reader that how they understanding the essay or text, it is an interaction is more realistic and the feedback is more powerful for the writer to improve their work.
I like the test of Hadi. I think it is necessary for the beginner reader that to do peer review. The one thing that I know is if you want to be a good reader or a good writer, you will read text a lot. It make you understand the thing that you don’t know and know all the text although you don’t know all words. That help you to do peer review more good.
PS. I will do all HW of Ajarn Karn... I hope it will finish soon. ^________^