Program in Translation for Education and Business, School of Applied Arts, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Japanese cuisine
Friday, November 5, 2010
Korean wave
But for today after I saw MV of 2PM suddenly my thinking is changing about Korean boy band. 2PM everyone is handsome and smart dancing. 55555 2PM make me freshy, happy, Greez greez Oh! Wow and wonderful everytime when I saw their dancing. Now I practice about dancing (korean dance) from clip video of 2PM but I can't dance just like them but I dance just like a joker 55555 fight fight fighy for dancing.
The member in 2PM that I like most is Nichkhun 55555 Aj. Karn like him too. 555 I know. Everyone who joint in blogger/ Do you know Nichkhun and Do you like him or not.
Are you brave enough?

Everyone has an own thinking. Many times I watched TV and read magazines, I found that most of the successful people think differently from others. They try to make a new thing happened and do it with intention. I don't want to specify what jobs those people did because different thinking can come up in everyone's head. Someone may think that to follow what others did is better than to do what they think in different way. What reasons should be? From my experience, I do like others did because I afraid that to do something
different may be wrong, no one used to do it, so it has less risk of doing wrongly. Although what others did never bring development or improvement, nobody is brave to think and do differently--It's like an old fashioned way! At present, I try to find out what I really want to do even it differs from others, think differently to do something new. I believe that everyone can reach a goal with different ways. Everyone has a reason to do what they think. I always think that "A creative thinking moves life forward."
Finally, I want to remind that sometimes it is not necessary to think or do like others did. If you have your own thinking, idea, opinion, or whatever coming up with your mind which is useful for your life or someone, you're just brave to do what you think even it's different from others'. If what you think can give you a better solution, never wait until it's too late
and do it with your intention. A succeed is not far from you!
Cut off an old fashion of thinking and doing like others did to explore new things for the life because LIFE IS SO SHORT!
the picture from
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Charice, why she hot?

Is it amazing? Charice is an awesome Filipina girl. I impressed her a lot when I watched she sang with Celine Dion on You Tube. Her image and look onstage blew me away. I completely fell in love with Charice and I am one of her Thai fans now. If you like Charice, check out on her website,,enjoy it!!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
so many thing
The Dog (Ching Mah Terd)

Today I saw Thai action & comedy movie, The Dog (Ching Mah Terd), directed by Pongpat Wachirabanchong (Off). Many political and talk of the town events in Thailand have been parodied. The story is about one country is going to celebrate the 1st birthday anniversary of a cute dog named Mah Hima that came from India. Most people love Mah Hima while three men (Bang, Den and Art) would like to steal it that made the terrible trouble in their lives. They have their own reasons for their mission; they strongly desire to be an acceptable persons for their society especially their surrounding people. Bang, the son of zoo director, who wants his father appreciates his ability. Den, an unemployed father, needs job and money for his family. And also he would like his governor treat him same as the lovely Mah Hima. The last man, Art has received many awards when he was boy and has a dream to work with NASA, but couldn't reach. He only wants everyone can recognize him.
One can appreciate the value of one own life and can do the useful things for oneself and the other. Instead, someone else does such things. Anyway, nothing or no one can be important and famous forever and ever. It's truth and no one can live forever. No one can know when and how to die; therefore, everyone has to do the best in the present, to learn the wrong thing of the past, and not to worry the upcoming things in the future.
Do the good deed in the present, otherwise one will hasten cur born to be inferior and undesirable person as called in Thai--Ching Mah Kerd.