All of us were in the silence and darkness, without the smile of happiness or the tear of sadness on our faces. We were not sick, but our hearts were beating so fast. I bet that It was really hard time, but while it was the most precious time of us. We just waited for today, the day of success.
The lights were lightening, but my eyes still blinded. My body moved slower and slower until I can not control. Just the beautiful voice, telling what will happen next to this, woke me up and warned me that it was not time for dreaming. “Yes, it is not time for dreaming” and another word I could say was “do my best”.
Before the sound of clapping finish, our eyes were contacted; it was the sign that we were ready to do our best and fulfilled our dream. More than 500 pairs of the eyes were watching us, What we have to do at that time was only making their faces full of smile and willing to give us the big hands again and again.
6 months that we were together for making our dream come true. We were tired, but we never say “tired”. We preferred to change every free time, much money and all of our effort with the acceptance from another people. We were the Kyoto University of Education Mandolin Club and our important mission was the Mandolin Orchestra Concert on September of every year and I was called the guitarist.
After the sound of clapping finished, one of us who was the conductor gave the sign of the beginning which was the time for giving the happiness to everyone who had the music in their heart. More than one hour we performed, although there were some mistakes, but every one were still in the Hall and gave us the will power until finished. We all knew the same thing that we can do it!, since we got the very loud and long sound of clapping, the voice of praise came to our ears while the tear came out from our eyes. I was sure that it was the tear of happiness for every one, but for me, it was both the tear of happiness that we succeed and the tear of sadness that I would not have the chance like this anymore. What I could do was only keep it as the “unforgettable memory”

From that day until now, I still practice playing guitar. Every times I play; this good memory always comes to my mind. Thanks every one in Kyoto University of Education Mandolin Club who brought music to my heart. I will try to do what I have promised with them, that is, “We will be on the stage together again!”
Khun Mae N’Bonus