Thursday, December 18, 2008

Khun Bud's Post

Peer review process is one of the methods the teacher applies to use in the writing class for the purpose of encouraging the students to take out their theorical abilities of language usage; read, write, speak, think and their practical ability in gathering all contents to be composed into their writings.

Peer review discussing in the class leads all students hear what they are thinking and what the others' thoughts. The teacher will help them find the answers of those questions and at the same time, help correcting the mistakes found in their writings. After all peer review process is completely applied, the students will gain the new power that is enable them to make a good writing.

The Peer Review Process

The process has five skills in writing, reading, speaking, listening and thinking because the students read their peers's writing to write a response and exchange the comments like meeting.

The students gain benefits from peer interaction to write better and it's a good chance of writing with my friends' opinions. So, I'll try to summarize the qualitative research for my friends tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Peer Review Process

This article is about how to help students write a good writing by using the peer review. The advantage of peer review for writer students are they gain a clearer understanding of meeting the reader's needs and gain confidence in their own abilities. The benefit for teachers is time saved because of a decreased reading load.

Now, I understand why we have to make a copy of our research writing for friends. It is because we're going to do a peer review. Am I right ? :p

ps. I leave this for all my friends

Good morning my friend
It's a new day
I hope things get better
For this I did pray

May all of your problems
Be out on their way
On this bright morning
That starts this new day