Baking is my favorite hobby. As the Christmas time and the new year festival is coming, people would find some gifts to ones they love. Bakery is one of the most popular gift. How nice to give the fresh bakery which you made it yourself? Last week I had baked 8 ponds of cake ( 3 pieces) as it was my friend birthday and I don't want to buy any gift for him then I decided to bake a cake myself for him. The next 2 days his aunt asked me to bake a cake for her mother then I baked more one 3 ponds cake for her mother on Thursday. In the next day she said that she want more because there are so many family members. Then I baked more one 3 pond cake for her on Friday. What a cake festival! I have never baked 3 cakes in a week before in my life. So tired because I have so many things to do but It's OK. As when I saw the others try my master pieces. It's make me happy and I'm so proud even its taste is not as good as the products from some other famous bakery shops but I'm still happy to have my own product and I'm intent to do it.