At night,comb jellies are glowing.
Program in Translation for Education and Business, School of Applied Arts, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok
At night,comb jellies are glowing.
Crabs are in the phylum Arthropoda (Arthropod) because they are an invertebrate and they having an exoskeleton (external skeleton). This phylum includes the insects. There are about 250 species of crab and more than 12,500 types in the world. The moon crab is a type of crab. It has scientific name: Matuta planipes (Fabricius) and Thai name for the moon crab is “Poo Hanumarn or Poo lai.” The moon crab lives along beach at Gulf of Thailand. If it has an enemy, it is embedded in the sand quickly. The moon crab eats the remains of dead plants and animals. Sizes of the moon crab about 3-5 cm.
The some people die from stings by Portuguese man-of-war and Box Jellyfish in the world.