Thursday, December 2, 2010

“Who was the great?”

I’ve learnt that Thai superstar and his wife have separated for six months because he committed sin ( he is alcoholic and likes to have sexual relationships with many other women). Husband committed sin. What happens if wife did? All people strongly blame wife more.

Why I talked this case because I’ve just read the book of Lady Wu written by Lin Yutang, Chinese writer. This book is the biography of Empress Wu (Wu Zetian) of Tang Dynasty, the first and only women in Chinese history to be Empress. She was known as cruel and sin empress. Anyway, many historians accept that she was one of the most genius rulers of China’s history. For example, she initiated the examination for recruitment of officers. In former recruitments, officers had been the relatives of high government officers or noblemen. This revolution gave the wise people to serve the nation, moved the country in the way of development. She could conquer China and make this country to be in golden era

Although she was great and clever ruler. Most of us remembered only her insanity--- she killed her son for reigning and the persons who acted against her, and had sexual relationship with many guys. Many people disliked her more so they asked who was the worst comparing with Cixi Taihou. In my view, I need to compare her with Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang ordered the Great Wall of China built. Beside, he could conquer many independent kingdoms and at the first time China was unified under one great ruler. To reach his mission, there were many people killed. Though, he was so cruel, he was also the Great Emperor could develop the country to be golden era. He and she can commit the same sin or do the same moral goodness. “Who was the great?” Someone may answer ‘She’.

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