Thursday, November 20, 2008

Writer's block

OK, I will do this one more time. If it still does not work, I'm going to beat someone to the death.

I think everyone has to face blocks. No matter where you are or what you do. If you are a guitar player, you ran out of idea then you meet the block. If you are a doctor, you can't find the medicine to treat the disease then you face the block.

I have read the text and I totally agree. I really like the part that say "If it is not good to my work, I won't use it." It might not be exctly like the text in the book but it should be the same meaning. I just can not remember what is in the book but it doesn't matter. I can aply this stratment to anything I do. If it is not suit my work I'll leave it alone.

How to deal with bolcks?
I have never faced block, big one untill I can not move on.
Normally, it usually a small ones.

The way I do is this:
I will have a plan but my plan has to be flexible so I can roll over them.
I will not pay attention much on rules. In the case of free writing, I never care about rules at all.
And if I really meet the block, I'll take a few steps away from it. I may leave it alone for a while. Then I get back and I may be able to get over it.

Does it make sense or no?

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