Monday, June 30, 2008

Understanding Composing..

Dear all,

I understand that this paper is talk about writing process.

When I write something, the first thing that I do is I think about the topic, what I know about the topic, what I want to write and what I can write. While I am writing, I usually reread and think about the topic or a key word when I stuck. These can make my idea flow again.

I agree with this sentence, "Thus, the unit that is reread is not necessarily a syntactic one, but rather a semantic one as defined by the writer." (p.100)

And after I finish read this paper I found one sentence is the way I do.

"These writers focus on what they think others want them to write rather than looking to see what it is they want to write. As a result, they often ignore their felt sense and they do not establish a living connection between themselves and their topic." (p.104)

Sometime when I stuck even though I try to think about the topic and key word, I still stuck. I usually think what the readers want to read, they really want to read what I write now. So I can't go on.

“… writers need to know certain grammatical rules and evaluative criteria, but they also need to know how to call up a sense of their reader’s needs and expectation.” (p.105) I agree with this sentence, too.

Thank you,


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