Monday, June 30, 2008

Understanding Composing

This article read easy more the last week.
This article explain understanding in wrting and easy. For example sentense, "In recent years, many researchers including myself have questioned the traditional notion that writing is a linear process with a strict plan-write-revise sequence." (P.100) I agree.

The good writing should recursive. When I write work, I must look the topic and data flow out.
Topic evoke a felt sense.

"Is "felt sense" another term for what professional writers call their "inner voice" or their feeling of "inspiration"?"(P.102) I answer yes. I believe.

I think the felt sense or inspiration is thing in mind and relate about idea.

I have story to tell all I'm not sure that relate this article. I saw TV that reported who are alzheimer don't remember family but they feel like someone and don't like someone in family because they mind feel. This is mind system and brain system (inner mind). Doctor don't know why who are alzheimer can know and remember.


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