Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Everything is Changeable

I would like to share Buddhist essence to you, after we already finished our exam.  This article is belong to Dhammarakkhit’s book "Buddhism: The Religion of Wisdom".

Every living being, every living thing in this universe are subject to impermanency.  The destruction of the whole universe is very certain.  The body will be dissolved and no amount of sacrifice will save it.

Looking to life we notice bow it is changing, continually moving between contrasts.  We notice rise and fall, success and failure, loss and gain, we meet honour and contempt, praise and blame, and we feel how our hearts respond to all that, with happiness and sorrow, delight and despair, disappointment and satisfaction, fear and hop.

Life is continous movement or change.  This is one of the main pivots of Buddhism.  Whatever is subject to origination is subject also to destruction.  Change is the very constituent of reality.  What is real is changeable and what is not changeable is not real.

Pm. Krit

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