Friday, August 19, 2011

Neighbors from HELL !!!

I have moved to a new apartment about 5 months ago, everything here seems fine except a neighbor issue—it is strange that I just can’t avoid same disturbance that I had experienced like when I was at my old place. It is a loud stomp noise from people who live in a room above me and those people are usually foreigners.

I don’t understand why it has to be them all the time. There must be something wrong with the way they walk, why they have to put too much weight on their feet. I have been hearing this loud stomp every day even at a time that I am writing this blog—it makes me go crazy. I need a peace here..OMG!

This big feet guy is not only doing loud stomp, but also wet my clothes sometimes when he waters his plants on a rim of his balcony and water drip into my balcony. More than that, he also feeds birds and those bird food always drop down to my balcony; a result is those birds fly to where the food drop and leave their poop. This is so unacceptable ... he’s a real neighbor from hell!

I have informed this disturbance to staff at my apartment but it seemed useless. I just guess he is some type of a long-term tenant who pays the most expensive rental fee as a room he lives in is bigger than any other rooms, and the apartment owner just can’t do anything with him. I have to say this is ridiculous. I also tried to call this guy many times to tell how much he annoys me, but it was useless, because no one picked up the phone. I just guess he does not connect a phone in his room.

I can’t believe how much he gets on my nerve. I saw him a few times when he walked pass, but I was too afraid to talk face to face to him as I was not sure if I could control my anger, and not sure if it was the best way to deal with him directly.

Anyway, I finally sort this out today by asking staff if I could move to another room, and luck just be on my side as there will be a room available around a middle of next month…YAY!!! ^____^ So, in a near future, I don’t have to listen to this crazy loud noise anymore (I hope) All I need is to live in peace. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that my future neighbor would not be from hell like this guy again.

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