Recently, I have read an interesting text “10 Dangerous & Deadly Foods”, and these are 10 dangerous and deadly foods.
- Mushrooms
- Blowfish (Fugu)
- Shellfish
- Rhubarb
- Potatoes
- Apricot Stones (Seeds)
- Tomatoes
- Chocolate
- Tapioca
- Peanuts
I’m quite scared when I have found “potatoes and tomatoes” are in the list of 10 dangerous and deadly foods.
Today I will tell you about hidden danger of them. It’s said that potatoes contain glycoalkaloids (solanine and chaconine), toxic compounds which are more prevalent in the wild potato varieties. Cooking at high temperatures mostly removes the toxin, although headaches, diarrhea, and cramps—and in severe cases, coma and death—can occur in rare cases. Ever wonder why we’re told to keep potatoes away from light? It’s to prevent higher concentrations of solanine. So don’t eat potatoes after they have turned green.
Also, it’s said that although the fruit itself is safe (more technically a berry), tomato plants contain glycoalkaloids, which are indeed toxic.
Oh! This makes me surprise because potato is one of my favorite vegetables, especially potato made in the form of potato chips. I think it is a delicious snack and afford in everywhere, and I never have no idea that it is a dangerous food. So I’m quite heavyhearted and sad if I must stop to eat it when I have found it become to be a deadly food. Furthermore, I’m surprised extremely because I never think tomato is a dangerous vegetable for health. And I believe that both you and I only know tomato is a beneficial vegetable. That is to say, tomato is a vegetable contained with beta-carotene which is an important thing for synthesizing vitamin A—it is useful for good condition of immune system. For this reason, I usually force myself to eat a bit of tomato mixed in various foods; because I don’t like to eat tomatoes very much. I’ m quite scared when I have found tomato be in the list of 10 dangerous foods on the text, although I rarely eat it. And I’m glad at the same time because it is my good chance for eating tomatoes in smaller quantity—no forcing myself to eat tomatoes anymore. But it may be a bad new for people who love to eat tomatoes as well.
However, in my view, food is a double-edged sword—it refers both advantage and disadvantage. It will offer advantage or disadvantage for our health; it depends on choosing food for consumption of each one.
Don’t forget! Although there are few foods that cause instant death, you have a chance to encounter them.
And you??? What do you think about it?
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