Monday, February 7, 2011


        Culture shock is the difficulty people have adjusting to a new culture that differs markedly from their own.  The shock of moving to a foreign country often consists of distinct phases, though not everyone passes through these phases and not everyone is in the new culture long enough to pass through all five. There are no fixed symptoms ascribed to culture shock as each person is affected differently.  

Closing of shop

    Most shop in many coutries in Europe or Australia alway closed at 5.00 p.m. or 6.00 p.m. But in Thailand in evening untill midnight or next time, there are many many shop open especially the food shop. If you live in oversea countries, you cannot buy everything that's food or anything. I think thai students who live there they may be hurgry in the night for this reason they should buy the food for stocking.
  Taking a bath

    In winter season, the European take a bath 2 time a week. When they go out, they will use perfume more than taking a bath. In opposite way although Thais is staying in the winter season, they must take a bath. Eventhough they are cold or hot, they must take a bath before doing several activities.

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