Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I ran.

Fat is undesirable like me because it shows an imbalance of body and may be trigger health problem in future. I see to exercise so then I should run. This day I ran about 6 o’clock p.m. and I stated at my home. During I ran, I though back when I studied at Kasetsart University. At that time I had run around this campus every evening before continued to weight lift. I still was running and car was stuck in traffic jam. I passed garage, at this place I saw many workers were still fixing cars while theirs radio turned on with loud song. I still was running, I saw many people at Jim-jum, one kind of E-san restaurant, they were enjoying to have diner. Some time I needed to cross road but it was hard while many cars were running. Time nearly passed one hour and destination was near too that I should be rest there. At this time, I walked for relief before reaching Veitnam food, destination. At last, it time to rest was came to and I did not wait to order some beverage. This a good time, I suddenly ordered beer first.


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    1. Thank you for this post, I think that it is one part of the way of your life. As you’ve described, It make me think of Buddhist proverb “Ãrogayaparamã lãbhã: Health is wealth”, Pali Thai: “อาโรคฺยปรมา ลาภา” and I agree with you for running and weight lifting because It is keeping healthy of yourself. And at last, I would like you this maxim “Having a good health & happy life”.

      Pm. Krit :)
