Sunday, August 14, 2011

My cat and her babies :D

In August, 9th 2011, my white cat ‘Tua Lek’ gave birth to three babies. My mom named them ‘Nam – nom (milk), Nam-som (Orange juice) and Nam-Tarn (Brown). She named them depending on their hair color; Nam-nom is plain white, Nam-som is light brown and Nam-tarn is dark brown. The brown are male while the white is female. Now, they still close their eyes tight and can’t walk.

It seems like the babies need milk and warmth from their mother all the time that she got tired. I never saw Tualek doze off while standing before. But in the first day the kittens were born, she did while standing and breast feeding the babies. She might be super tired because this is the first litter she gave birth to and is the first time she takes care of the babies. The kids now have got the big tummies as they always suck up milk a lot whenever their mouth reach their mommy’s breast.

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