Thursday, July 21, 2011

The benefit of yoga

Three months ago, i had exercise by doing Yoga, i feel that it is an exellent exercise.

And here! These are eight good reasons that make you know onto its benefits.

1. Yoga benefit benefits are vast indeed

- Yoga helps normalize blood pressure

- It releives muscle tension and improves flexibility

- Yoga benefits spinal health

- It strenghtens muscle and tones the

nervous system

2. You can't beat Yoga for stress relief

- Yoga is one of the best practices for calming the

nerves and reducing anxiety

3. Improved breathing

4. Yoga remedies many diseases and health problems

5. Energy, Vitality and Longevity are all benefits of Yoga

6. Yoga is ultimate tool for Self Improvement

7. Yoga benefits mental health too

- Peace of mind mind has become an ever-elusive goal in today's fast-peaced world. Yoga helps us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us. It helps us to cut through the stresses and strains of daily life, and cultivate a greater sense of joy, contentmant, and fulfilment in life.

8. Yoga improves Concentration and Mental clarity

1 comment:

  1. N'pear when I see this story I know suddenly is that you!!!!! because you are a pretty girl who always take care yourself and has many tricks for healthy. Espacially, your face which is brightest. Oow!! I like Yoga na but I can't do it because I have no time. I think this suggestion is very well for relax and diet.
