Friday, July 29, 2011

23 keyboard shortcuts of Hotmail

Do you know, Hotmail has keyboard shortcuts? How to use??? Ok. We come to see the usage on each function. Let’s go>>>

Ctrl + N = Create a message

Ctrl + Enter = Send

Ctrl + Shift + P = Print a message

Ctrl + R = Reply to a message

Ctrl + Shift + R = Reply to all message

Ctrl + Shift + O = Open a message

Ctrl + Shift + F = Forward Mail

Ctrl + S = Save as draft

Ctrl + Shift + V = Move to a folder

Ctrl + U = Mark a message as unread

Ctrl + Q = Mark a message as read

Ctrl + Shift + J = Junk Mail

Del = Delete a message

F + I = Inbox

F + D = Draft

F + S = Sent / Search

Ctrl + - = Next Message

Ctrl + , = Previous Message

Esc = Close Message

F7 = Check Spelling

s + a = Select all message

s + n = Cancel all message

I try it already. It’s so good. But you can use on Windows Live Hotmail on Internet Explorer only and upgrade internet to Internet Explorer 8 or 9 before start this function too. <<<


  1. Thank a lot for your good sharing!!!!!

    it can safe a lot of time. when i use Hotmail next time, i will try to use it^^

    Thank you my friend :D

  2. Thank you for your post but I can not use my hotmail account anymore

    Because it's had blocked T T

  3. Thank you very much for this usefull post.
    I think I'll try it.
