Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cosins from China

This week, I will have two visitors. They are my nieces who live in outskirt of Guangzhou, China. Both of them are studying in the university over there. This is not the first time that we have cousins from China come to visit our family. I will bring you back to the old day, my grandparents were leaving China to come to Thai land and they had left only my eldest uncle in China. Because he had pinkeye at that time, so my grandparents left him with their younger brother's family and they were cruel with him. That is the sad story every time that we hear about his story. I remember when I was young, my father had received many letters from China. My uncle passed away many years ago but his children still live in China and have their own families there. Sometimes they will come to Thailand for visiting us. We will give them presents or money fallow the traditional of Chinese. They speak Chinese (Teochew) and I don't understand what they are talking about. My mother is always my translator, but this time, my Chinese nieces can speak Mandarin and English even just a little bit. So I will take them to shopping together and this will be fun.

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