Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Mother Taught

I got a email from my friend on mother day. I think it's not late to tell you.

My friend asked me why I was top in class even if my face looks like stupid people.
I told my friend my mother taught me to be a diligent man.
My friend asked me why I like to give out my money to poor person even if I don’t have much money.
I told my friend my mother taught me to be a kindly man. Though, I have little money, but there are some people who poorer than me.
My friend asked me why I love to play many sports, and I’ve never sick.
I told my friend my mother taught me to exercise everyday because I don’t have many money. If I sick, I will impoverish.
My friend asked me why I always cheerful and never angry.
I told my friend my mother taught me if I am good-tempered, people around me will happy.
My friend asked me why I am always gentle with everybody.
I told my friend my mother taught me if I polite to someone, he will polite to me too.
My friend asked me why my brothers and I never have any argument.
I told my friend my mother taught me cats and dogs in the same house can be friend, so brothers can be friends too.
My friend asked me why my mother taught me many things.
I told my friend I can be a good man because my mother taught me. I follow everything that mother said. My mother didn’t teach me to love her, but I love her.

Some people don’t love their mother, but I love…

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