Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How to save energy

This is a little how to save energy for your life. If everybody does this follow, I think the world will have many good things. I hope we will help to save energy for this world.
-Turn off all electrical devices when they are not in use - that's the television, the video, the DVD player, the stereo, the computer, and so on.
-Turn down the thermostat a little - you'll survive even if you need to wear slighter warmer clothing.
-Insulate your home - lots of heat is lost through the roof and walls so lay fibre glass in your roof or loft and organise cavity wall insulation.
-Use less hot water - for instance, have a shower rather than bath, install a low flow showerhead, and wash clothes in cold or warm water.
-Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) - CFLs use 60% less energy than a regular bulb.
-Use a clothes line rather than a tumble dryer - it might take a little longer, but it's kinder to the environment.
-Recycle more - paper, glass, tins, vegetable waste, garden cuttings can all be recycled.
-Avoid products with a lot of packing - you'll only throw it away.
-Keep your tyres properly inflated - proper inflation can improve petrol mileage by more than 3%.
-Drive less - walk, cycle or use public transport when you can.
-Fly less - use the train when you can.
-Try to travel less - for instance, use teleconferencing in your work.

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