Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Writing Conference: A One-to-One conversation

Yes, The conference method is useful, becuase it is a talking about the draft between the student and the teacher . The problems about writing are vanished, If the teacher participates in the writing process of the student. The conference is the method that easier and efficient to solve the complex problem than teacher's comment written on the draft. The student can knows what is the teacher want from discussion more than comment writing.

For my class, I guess that the writing conference is a method done after the peer review. If It's true, I will happy. After I recieved commemts from my friend, I have many problems becuase the feedbacks are variety and conflict. I need and appreciate the teacher's help.

Furthermore, I have other problems discussed in the conference, becuase I will present in the second draft.

Best Regards
Banna Wanishayanun

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