Sunday, June 12, 2011

Are Movie Handbills disappeared?

In the past, movie handbills are popular and favourable among people who like to see movies and collect them as a hobby but now there is no handbills distribution from the cinema because we are in the information technology age so, if we would like to see a movie handbills, we can search from internet. It is very easy and convenient to find it. Do you know? the pictures themselves and colours used in the handbills, the text is one factor that makes some of these handbills noteworthy. The message not only give the information but also get attention or attraction to the other people. How? when you read the message on handbills, you will be interested in seeing that movie because of wording or sentences that alert your thought. It can be said that the message in the movie handbills is a form of verbal advertising though it contains no words that show directly to the reader or movie buyer but the language used in the movie handbills is different from the other products advertising. Otherwise, there are difference in language and style used of each product advertising, it depends on the target group. The reason why I would like to talk about this because I used to be the one of the movie collectors that like to read the message in the handbills. It is quite pity that it is not hot like the past!

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